Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 4

Today I read John chapter 7 in the Bible. I wrote some notes out and definitely developed some questions. I also had a good brainstorm about the 3rd eye and Jesus' teachings. The thoughts revolved around how Jesus says "they see but don't perseive" then I remembered a song from back in the day by the Gorillaz. The lyrics that I remembered are "ya'll can't see me now, cuz you don't see with your eyes, you perseive with your mind" something along those lines. It has to do with the 3rd eye, which is located in the brain, or mind, in the center of it. Scientists say there are actual rods and cones there, just like our external eyes. It's said that this is the eye we use to see dreams essentially, and to imagine. The eye that perseves spiritual things. Jesus talks about living in spirit and truth. The spirit world is meant to be seen with this 3rd eye. I don't really know what I've come to here, but I will update my thoughts on the matter later. The truth is in the spirit world it seems. We live in a physical realm, but our truths, as a race, are from the spiritual realm. That's what I seem to have come to. The fact that Jesus seems to be referring to the 3rd eye and many other beliefs revolve around the 3rd eye causes me to question a lot of things. As far as Christians go, we aren't meant to meddle with the 3rd eye, but I think that maybe our spirtual sight is meant to be opened through the direction of the Holy Spirit, or God, one in the same. We aren't meant to mess with the progress of our enlightenment, if that makes sense, we are just meant to let God do it for us as we mature in a spiritual journey. And that's my word for today. Peace.

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