Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 4

Today I read John chapter 7 in the Bible. I wrote some notes out and definitely developed some questions. I also had a good brainstorm about the 3rd eye and Jesus' teachings. The thoughts revolved around how Jesus says "they see but don't perseive" then I remembered a song from back in the day by the Gorillaz. The lyrics that I remembered are "ya'll can't see me now, cuz you don't see with your eyes, you perseive with your mind" something along those lines. It has to do with the 3rd eye, which is located in the brain, or mind, in the center of it. Scientists say there are actual rods and cones there, just like our external eyes. It's said that this is the eye we use to see dreams essentially, and to imagine. The eye that perseves spiritual things. Jesus talks about living in spirit and truth. The spirit world is meant to be seen with this 3rd eye. I don't really know what I've come to here, but I will update my thoughts on the matter later. The truth is in the spirit world it seems. We live in a physical realm, but our truths, as a race, are from the spiritual realm. That's what I seem to have come to. The fact that Jesus seems to be referring to the 3rd eye and many other beliefs revolve around the 3rd eye causes me to question a lot of things. As far as Christians go, we aren't meant to meddle with the 3rd eye, but I think that maybe our spirtual sight is meant to be opened through the direction of the Holy Spirit, or God, one in the same. We aren't meant to mess with the progress of our enlightenment, if that makes sense, we are just meant to let God do it for us as we mature in a spiritual journey. And that's my word for today. Peace.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And on the 3rd day...

One of the things that I do is ask that God wake me up in the morning for study. I'm not going to lie, it seems He's woke me up, but then I just go back to bed. I have been getting up anyway and spending time reading the Bible and talking to God, but it hasn't been when it seems He is waking me up.
  One of the things that kept me from wanting to get up was that I thought I wouldn't be rested enough. I was up unitl 5 in the morning the other night and I had to work at 4pm the next day so I had lots of time to sleep. Normally I would sleep until 2 or so and get ready for work. Instead of sleeping in, I woke up at 10 so I could have another appointment with God. Usually I feel tired all the time almost, no matter how much sleep I get, especially when I'm up until 5 in the morning. I got up on the idea that God would help a brother out by giving me energy, if I put the effort to wake up when it was so tempting to just sleep in. I felt fantastic all day, hardly tired at all and bouncing off the walls slightly.
  So that is my biggest thing right now. That God is helping me out and making me feel awake and alive these past few days. Or so it seems. I will continue to try this out. I haven't had any super huge breakthroughs in reading the Bible, but I feel like I'm  making progress, I don't really know how to explain it. My theory is just to spend the time and eventually things will start to click. I don't think it happens over night. Like any relationship it takes time, I'm just doing the showing up for now, and doing the things that I know how to do. Like ask questions to God, and read about him. I also keep a journal and write things down that seem interesting, that I want to look more into(like orginal Greek context), and any questions.

More to come.

Ps. I'm eating a delicious grilled cheese sandwich.... tasty.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Christianity... the real one.

I have been listening to Lee Venden's sermons for years now. The message he preaches has affected me profoundly. I listened to him when I was looking for direction and leaving coke addiction way back in the day, about 4 or 5 years ago. This was at a campground that hosts different events throughout the year put on, run, and owned by the religion I grew up in called Seventh Day Adventism. During the week at the camp I had breakthroughs and breaddowns. I was and am a huge advocate of the things Lee had to say. At the end of one of his sermons there was a by donation giveaway of his entire sermon collection, for the More about Jesus Seminar. They were snatched up real quick, but I had one given to me, and I ended up listening to them every day while I was in 1 of 2 drug recovery houses. I hadn't listened to them in probably 4 years until recently when I decided I wanted to REALLY get to know Jesus.

 I feel my problem has been that I've had these short stints of revelation and revival, but then I don't keep going on a consistent track and the good times and revelations just meander off into the distance and disappear, leaving me doubtful, confused and frustrated. So this time my inspiration come from my brother telling me he doesn't believe in God and it really troubled me for some reason, so I've decided to find out once and for all what Jesus is all about, so I can say with conviction that I believe in Jesus, and that we are homies. It took some nudging from a family member to get me on the track, but better than nothing right? So far it's been rewarding and a bit frustrating.

One of the things that I notice about myself is that I lost a lot of "feeling" and emotion that I had as a kid. Now I feel like my life has been playing the same note on and on. There hasn't been any contentedness and excitement just living, without doing drugs or pushing limits. My point is that as a kid everything was good times, and I want that back.
  The past couple days just the way I feel on a regular basis has changed for the better. I feel content mostly, I enjoy just walking outside more even. Everything seems to be enjoyable since I've started to make a point of spending time in the morning before doing anything to try and get to know Jesus by reading about Him in the Bible and talking to God in my head (praying). Lee outlines some things that help make it worth my time to be up in the morning early trying to find God.
  So I'm seeking first the kingdom of God basically, on the premise that "if you seek first the kingdom of God all things(happiness, contentedness, success, understanding, passion etc.) will be added onto you."

 These sermons describe how to seek first the kingdom, which would be seeking Jesus as a friend from what I understand.
  I could see people thinking these sermons are really cheesy, but I have huge huge respect for this guy, and the message is dynamite. I've had the pleasure of meeting him in person a few times and he is a really cool guy on and off the stage. It's the message you need to concern yourself with. This guy is booked 4 years in advance last time I heard, so he has some good content, and it's free to watch on this website, no waiting.

  I suggest praying before hand that God will help you see what is being said here, even if you aren't a professed "Christian" it can't hurt, and if anything will help out a lot.
  So click on the link below if you are interested or curious, and scroll down the page it brings you to a little ways and you'll see the video or mp3 links.

More About Jesus by Pastor Lee Venden

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Illuminati, the third eye, and Jesus Christ.

This is the first post on my new blog dedicated to my life philosophies and the search for truth. I currently am in a 40 day quest to meet God and actually say I know Him, and he knows me. This probably sounds vague, which is exactly how I felt when I came to the conclusion that it seemed apparent if I was to go to heaven, I would need to be a God's friend. So that is what the quest is about. I am following the directions of some online sermons I'm watching on how to know God and be a true Christian. The term Christian has a lot of negativity behind it, so I'm trying to see if there is a positive way of being a Christian, and how to do that.

I look into a lot of things such as the "all seeing eye" of the Illuminati, and what it means. Like how so many people and organizations, including churches, follow this all seeing eye philosophy. I'm linking up the videos I watched today on the subject. I don't have all the answers and some of these videos can be cheesy, but they in my opinion raise good thoughts and questions. Overall I believe that Jesus is the answer after seeing these. Watch all three in concession.

While watching these be careful to glean the information that is good, it's not all good, but it has good points. I believe the last video with Allen Rich is the best one and the one you should focus on, it is the voice of reason to it all. I do not agree with smoking weed, or doing drugs at all(including drinking or smoking), but the video with Joe Rogan has some interesting points at the end of it about The Third Eye. There's so many things I could address that I find false in these videos, but I just want to focus on the good stuff. Smoking weed does make you lazy, and anyone who has smoked weed knows this, haha. Joe Rogan you are silly. This IS a short life, so I believe it is imperative to be wise with what we do with it. It's about Jesus, plain and simple, but not so simple to come to this conclusion, because I believe there are things that don't want us to make this conclusion. If you seek Him you WILL find Him. I also believe it can't hurt to... pray... yes pray, that you will see the truth, and not be confused by the barrage of information you are about to experience. Jesus offers to lead everyone to truth, even if you're not sure about doing that, it can't hurt. Alright happy viewing.

Feel free to give me your thoughts.

This guy has a website with a lot more video on it. Check it out here.